Monday, June 7, 2010

VP Biden on week-long trip to Africa

Joe Biden is traveling through Africa this week, with several stops. Later he will reach South Africa where he will represent the U.S. at the opening ceremonies of the 2010 world cup. Along with that, he will be meeting up with Egyptian President,Hosni Mudarak, "to discuss a full range of bilateral and regional issues," says the White House statement. The Vice President also had planes last March to go to Egypt to see Mubarak, But the trip was canceled when Mubarak fell sick. The V.P. is also going to stop in Kenya to "discuss peace and stability in the region- especially in Sudan and Somalia- with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga." Jill, Joe's wife will be joining him during this trip. The 2 will stop in South Africa to watch the U.S. take on England in its 1st game on Saturday.

I'm glad that we are getting sort of involved in foreign affairs that doesn't include a ton of violence. Finally we are going to be doing something the right way to help out others, when everyone is really caught up with our own problem of the oil spill at the moment. Besides we need someone there to support our team.

What if pharmaceutical companies' influence led W.H.O. to exaggerate swine flu threat?

wheres the threat now? The H1N1 was supposedly going to be one of the worst pandemics we were ever going to see, with a purposive millions who were going to die. Well we got prepared, we have far fewer deaths and more then 70 million unused doses of the H1N1 vaccine(just in the U.S.). Now Europe is saying that the World Health Organization Over Exaggerated the threat, over cause that was poorly explained. This had lead to decrease in the trust of the W.H.O. They say that the W.H.O. caused unnecessary fear and wasted millions of dollars. The worst part is that they were getting their advice from the ones who were getting paid by the companies that were manufacturing the swine flu vaccine. But the W.H.O. of course denies all these cases and that the ones that are bringing this to the surface are being "irresponsible". But of course other experts are defending the health organization, saying they made the best decisions they could under the circumstances.

This is great. I was actually talking to my mom about this earlier, saying its weird how everyone was so afraid of what was going to happen, then everything was quiet and you didn't hear about the H1N1. I thought it was maybe because so many people got the preventive shot, i thought that we actually prevented it. but, now I'm not sure, i guess it could easily be the W.H.O.'s fault that everyone was worked up over nothing. Right now though i really don't have an opinion on if they did the wrong thing here.

Mexican authorities recover 55 bodies from mine shaft

In Mexico they have recently found 55 bodies that were left in a mines ventilation shaft. They say that the site was used as a mass grave in the city of Taxco. The bodies were found around a week ago but was not announced until Monday, they say that a week long recovery act will take place. Of the 55 bodies that were found here, 3 were mummified, and 2 others were just skeletal remains. 4 of the bodies have now been identified. One of the 4 was David Bravo Mota, who was a local and worked as an area prison warden. With the other bodies though, they are having a tuff time figuring out who they are. They have now just asked for people who are missing loved ones to come to the State Attorney Generals office to preform genetic testing to help possibly identify the remains. Meanwhile, there is said to be another 10 other ventilation shafts to search for more possible remains.

Wow this is terrible. i wonder if they think these people have been murdered or if its just some weird thing like a grave robber who has moved the bodies, or a family of some sort put their loved ones there instead of in a cemetery? there is a lot of unanswered questions about his story and i hope to find out a little more about how 55 bodies just appeared in a mine shaft.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Twin brother among UK gunman's victims

Derrick Bird a self-employed taxi driver has used his own taxi to create one of the worst massacres in recent British history. Bird killed 12 and wounded 11 during his drive-by shootings before shooting himself. Among the killed was his twin brother David Bird. The dead were all found on close to roads. Queen Elizabeth II is shocked by the event and has issued condolences to the families of the dead and the wounded as well. One taxi driver witnessed the scene and was shot in the back said that he watched Bird shot another driver dead at point blank range.
The police has released a map of the route that Bird had traveled last Wednesday on his rampage. It starts in a little village and takes a trip through the seaside towns while ending up inland further. The police have told us that there has been more then 30 crime scenes that have already been released, this is not including his own home, which is still blocked off. Forensics say that there was 2 weapons used, a shotgun and a .22 rifle with a telescopic sight. Bird was a licensed firearms holder for over 20 years but the police are not sure if the license covers the 2 seized firearms.
Police believe that they have finished searching the route that Bird took and feel that there will be no more victims found. but for the wounded, 8 are still in the hospital. Friends of Birds say "i can't shed any light on it,... He was a decent guy, and I'm sorry for what's happened."

What could cause someone to just randomly go and kill how many people. He had to be very mentally unstable, how did no one see that, and if someone did why didn't they do anything about it. I am sorry for the family of Birds and also for the families that lost loved ones during this terrible massacre.