Friday, May 21, 2010

5 accused of enticing NH teen to get vulgar tattoo

In Concord, NH 4 men and a juvenile are now facing charges after persuading a mentally ill 14 year old boy to let them give him a tattoo, in return to stop teasing the boy. The men have been teasing the boy for a long time and told him the they would simply stop if he got the tat. but, what they tattooed on the poor boy's butt is terrible, they said its to bad words and a nasty picture, they also possibly gave the boy a bag of marijuana. The crime was found out when the pictures the men took started to spreed around the school and was seen by one of the teachers. The men are now all looking at being expelled, along with the criminal charges of two counts of assault, tattooing without a license, criminal threatening, along with other charges and two of the men face conspiracy charges. two of the men have been jailed with a $35,000 bail the others are not yet decided upon. The boy now has to go through medical procedures to remove the profound tattoo.

Wow. I just don't understand why people do this, even how they can do this. How could you possibly stoop so low as to tattoo a mentally ill persons butt as a joke, its not funny, its stupid. I'm kind of up set that the harassment wasn't stopped before it could get as bad as this, I'm sure someone had to have noticed. I am so shocked by this that I'm at a lose for words. I just can't see how this could be done as a joke.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Ashley. There really isn't words to describe how upset I am by this incident. I know that if I had a disability and people were harassing me, I would do anything for it to stop. The boy probably just wanted to be treated normal instead of a person who has a disability and isn't like everyone else. If you just put yourself in the shoes of a mentally handicap person, you wouldn't want to be made fun of either. If you were in their position you wouldn't want to have someone put a tattoo on you. This is a horrible situation and I hope that the boy is doing alright and can go about living his life knowing that he is a very special person who is just like everyone else.
