Wednesday, March 31, 2010

30 days and counting: Homebuyer tax credit expires

The great deal is about to end. For a while now the government has been giving people tax refunds for buying new houses. This bill was introduced in hopes of people decided that this would an amazing way to help them to afford a house in this economy. A first time house owner could get $8,000 back in taxes and those who have owned previous housings could receive $6,500.
When introduced this bill was a great success. It helped to boost the housing economy quiet a bit. But now they have extended the bill multiple times, the first time there was another great raise in home purchases, but sales have slowed over the winter and spring months. They now feel that it would be no more use to extend the bill any longer. They also feel that this will tell people that this deal really wont last forever, and if their thinking of buying a home this would be the last chance to get a great deal because they need to have the contract in place by the end of April to still receive their refund.
I feel that this bill was an amazing idea. It helped out our economy sooo… much. It helped boost home sales, which in the end boosts all sales, it seems that if the housing economy is doing well so is the rest of the economy. That’s probably because housing requires so many things to put it all together that everyone is some how tied to that industry. But I feel that yes, all good things need to come to an end, and if we keep extending this bill then people will feel that it will always be there and there really wont be a need for them to buy right now. In the end this was a great idea and it has rewarded us and hopefully will continue in the future.

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