Monday, March 29, 2010

U.S. ambassador: Iraq elections a turning point for democracy

The turning point for the Iraqi democracy has come according to some. Christopher Hill said that the result of the past suggests “there is democracy in this country.” Also people are looking at the different options and going in different directions, this is a good sign for the hopes of the upcoming election. People are looking for their best interests, like who would be the best for security and stability, and to provide an improvement in their income.
The 2 Men running are former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, with Allawi in the lead so far according to elections officials. Allawi also said this, “if you’re the frontrunner you’ve got to look out there to other coalitions (and)say how can i put together a government that’s going to work? This isn’t all about...who’s a Shia or who’s a Sunni; it’s about who can govern better.”
I feel this is great. Our goal was, when we went over there that we would set up a working government for them to go by so that they would stop fighting between themselves. So this is a great improvement so far, because the last election that was planed did not go as planned. But if people are looking for their best interests they defiantly won’t take long to get used to this better way of government.

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