Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Police: Missing California family may have disappeared intentionally

Joseph and Summer McStay and their 2 children have been missing since February 4th, their families have no idea where they are or if they planed to leave or even if something happened to them. whats worse is that since the family has been missing they have not used their bank or credit cards or their cellphones. This is making it really hard for the police to answer any questions on their where abouts.

Some evidence, that was collected at their residence, suggests that they were planing on a trip to Mexico. But, if this was a planed trip how could they leave their pets at home with no food or water. Another bad sign was that 4 days after there disappearance authorities discovered their vehicle abandoned along the boarder of Mexico not far from a checkpoint.

A surveillance video of that evening was discovered and it shows what appears to be the missing family casually walking across the boarder. This makes the police feel that there is no criminal involvement, but a brother of the McStay's disagrees and feels terrible, hoping to find them soon and alive.

Wow. I don't know what i would do if a family member of mine just got up and disappeared let a alone the whole family. I don't know what would make someone feel that they want to just get up and leave. But, i really do feel that something weird is going on if they ditched their car and walked into Mexico. Are they trying to escape and get new identities? Or are they being held against their will, which could be if they are not using any money. But, yes, i do feel this could have possibly been planed, Maybe they got into a little trouble and need to get out of it. I don't know, but i do hope they find them so we can find out just why they did it.

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